Wednesday, January 3, 2018
E-Munnies Win!
Well, the first part of my prediction came true. The Munnies were extremely dominant going into the Monday night game. But then...they just stayed dominant. Congratulations to the team for preventing the league's first repeat champion, and taking home the title!
There wasn't much to be said after Dion Lewis went a little overboard against the Bills. And then Crabtree, Dez. Yikes, that's a brutal finals the bEARs won't soon forget.
Three seasons down and three champions, now it's time we look to the offseason. Trading has been reopened, and free agency locked. As you'll remember, you may trade players and picks, but can't pick up anyone off waivers. If you wish to trade your picks next year or thereafter, just a reminder that you must pay for that year's dues first.
Talking about dues, a number of owners have talked to me in the last few weeks about increasing our buy in. With how much time this league takes, the argument is that playing for only $150 total in prize money feels short. When I first made the league, I wanted there to be as little reason for anyone not to want to stick around for the long haul, hence the smaller buy in. But maybe everyone would be down for a bigger payout, so the floor is open. What do you all think about upping the yearly dues to $30 starting next season? I wouldn't want to go higher than that, personally, and I'm also fine leaving things as is. So let me know!
Also, I'm going into this offseason on the assumption that everyone is returning next season. If that is not the case for any of you PLEASE let me know as soon as you can so I can get a replacement in ASAP.
Our rookie draft will occur one week after the NFL draft (which is the weekend of April 27th). Rosters will, as always, expand to 38 for the duration of the draft, and will remain expanded until cutdown during the 2018 preseason.
Congrats again to Eric for taking the 'ship! And congratulations to all of us for another successful season!