Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Week 13

The time has come.  Three teams have now been eliminated from contention for the 2017 season, Land O'Nutts, Radioactive Zombies, and Julio and Friends.  This is extra tragic for the Friends, since they put up the 2nd highest score last week off the back of a monster Julio game.  Unfortunately it wasn't enough, and wins by other teams have put them out of the running.  We go into week 13 with 5 teams locked in (including the TDs securing the Newizona bye), and 2 teams fighting over the last wildcard spot.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week 12

I totally called that Munnies/Nutts game didn't I?  The Nutts pulling off the unthinkable has resulted in an exciting situation as we come down to our last two weeks of regular season play!  The top 5 playoff spots are locked in for the top 5 teams, though the byes are still in dispute.  The last playoff spot is in contention for the bottom 5 teams, EACH of whom can still claim it!  Two weeks left and not a single team has been eliminated.  This season has been awesome!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Week 11

You wanna talk about parity?  How about literally half of the league being tied for 1st going into week 11?  On top of that, not a single team has been mathematically eliminated yet, so wildcards are still up for grabs for everyone!  Isn't fantasy great?

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Week 10

Heading out to a wedding so this one will be short and sweet, but I can't skip another week since apparently it means I lose the following game!