Thursday, December 24, 2020


'Twas the night before 'ship week,
And all through the chat,
Not a person was shit talking,
At least not quite yet.

The dreams of The Futures,
To take a triple crown,
Were dashed by ACL,
When Cook went to town!

The good Doctor was let down,
When JuJu shit the bed.
But that was really good news,
For our dear friend, Ted.

The year has been a struggle,
With delays, quarantine, and remote learning.
Despite it all, football persisted,
(which in itself is kind of concerning.)

Still we're here, the finals at last.
With everything it's still gone so fast.

ACL looks to his roster,
Everyone claims is stacked,
And hopes this year will be the year,
That it's settled as fact.

So as we enjoy our COVID Christmas,
with our families, in masks,
Let's all hope the bEARs lose!
Is that too much to ask? 

Another year down, fellas!  A weird one, to be sure, but hopefully the league is still enjoyable to you all as much as it is to me.  As always I hope your holidays are pleasant, and I look forward to when we can see each other in person again!